To be a woodland sprite,
relaxed in spirit, reborn in song, a day, a night, a tender touch and everything is joy. "Writing is the best way to answer your own questions. And the clearer the question, the easier the answer will come to you." -Julie Newmar, "Conscious Catwoman" "When we find our core certainty within, then we no longer look for certainty outside. The unfathomable nature of the ever-changing world ceases to be a source of anxiety and instead is a source of joy and adventure." ~Deepak Chopra "11:11 - These represent four centres of consciousness: your own soul, Gaia, the solar logos and the soul of the Galaxy. Humanity has been out of alignment with the some or all of these centres for too long and that realignment is now beckoning." - Chris Bourne at Wake Up World more from Chris Bourne: Surrender to the flow "I share this possibility not to spread fear, but to spread awareness. Some in spiritual circles would likely say: “we should rather manifest the reality we want, one that is safe and loving”. However to me this is quite delusional. We’re an intricate part of a much greater system to which we’re being invited to surrender. Loving thoughts may make people feel better yes, but they’re not going to change the overall directional movement. For too long humanity (aided by Opposing Consciousness) has been manifesting illusionary realities – eddy currents in the flow – which are now being unwound. Yes it’s surrender that I’m inviting. I’d say we need to surrender many things. In particular, we need to surrender the idea that today will likely be just like yesterday, Because in the future that is opening in front of us the only certainty will be uncertainty. But there’s absolutely no need to fear this. Rather the other way around. When we’re locked in the mind, planning and strategising what we’re going to do on that tablet pc or not-so-smart-phone, we’re much less in the heart, feeling the flow of the field and what now wants to happen. What is benevolence inviting of us? For each of us there will be a divinely lighted path, helping us confront all our distortions, that we may peel them away and unfold the spiritual wings of our destiny." *---------------* Finally, someone who isn't preaching only positivity and manifesting positivity, positively. He is awake to the notion that we are "invited to surrender" to something bigger, and we cannot be delusional in thinking we can fix things will our loving thoughts. Yes, we must think positively and with lots of love. But, there needs to be included some sort of acceptance of all things... both positive and negative... something to which we can't even distribute definition. “Love doesn’t need reason. It speaks from the irrational wisdom of the heart.” - Deepak Chopra “Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. Your really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” - Lucille Ball I don't need to hold on to any material thing, maybe a work of art or two, painted by my Mother. Maybe a photograph or two, shot by my Dad. Maybe I'd like to hold onto my words, my dance, my song - and even that, I can let go. All I'd like to see is more love and movement. Earth's healing and human beings' authentic hope. Who would grovel around in the dirt and the muck for a few decades, scratching around for an ever dwindling piece of illusionary security, in exchange for just one day of divine, interconnected freedom? - Chris Bourne What has become more apparent to me, is I somehow fear the power and majesty of truth and ascension. I fear change and discomfort, even though I have lived my life in preparation for it; and even though I usually believe in welcoming change. After all, it's the only constant. I have trained myself to not be attached, to get up and go at any moment, to not set goals in the name of false security, but to follow my heart and soul, even when that's meant seeming "failure" and lack of "success." Maybe there's enough success in my heart, even in moments of weakness. Maybe there's enough love to excuse it all. May the heart be as it wants. It longs to live and pour its joy on others... it wants to burst sometimes from seeming pain, but again, it's just perception, or illusion, or everything, or more. It's more than I can understand. It's more than words can seal, it's something so untouchable and so unreal... As unreal as something can be. A non-entity. A non-thing. Not existing even in the smallest of strings and fibers of matter and energy. An absoluteness, but an open question. "For God to make love, For the divine alchemy to work, The pitcher needs a still cup." ~Hafiz
"Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness. And so to whatever degree any one of us, can bring back a small piece of the picture and contribute it to the building of the new paradigm, then we participate in the redemption of the human spirit, and that after all is what it's really all about." Elsewhere:Instagram
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February 2022